Energy Healing – Lørdag den 23. maj 2020. KL 10.00 – 18.00
Dette er kurset for dig, som også gerne vil snuse til Reiki Healing. Det er en rigtig spændende dag. Du kan læse mere om Energy Healing HER Vi arbejder med de skønne heste på Nyt Hesteliv.
Pris før 1. marts: 1575,- kr.
Pris derefter: 1775,- kr.
Ønsker du at deltage på begge kurser (se andet kursus HER), så er prisen før 1. marts: 2900,- kr. og derefter 3200,- kr.
Begge kurser er fantastiske, og det er så inspirerende at være en del af sammen med den verdenskendte Anna Twinney.
Kontakte Regina Flittner
Tlf. 20 48 90 27
Nyt Hesteliv
Søndersøvej 144
5264 Morud
Tilmeldingen er bindende, og så snart indbetalingen er modtaget, er du garanteret en plads på kurset. Du er velkommen til at få en afdragsordning, hvis du skulle ønske det.
Der er muligheder for overnatning tæt på Nyt Hesteliv. Se mere HER (åbnes som PDF-fil)
Se hvad Anna Twinney skriver på sin egen side:
Now Open to All Healers and Modalities
One of Energy healing’s most effective uses is in the healing of horses. Horses, and animals in general, are great clients for energy work because they don’t have any preconceived notions or skepticism that often get in the way of human receptivity. An animal is simply present to the experience. If it likes it, it likes it, and if it doesn’t, it leaves: Simple as that.
We have found that most horses love Reiki and other forms of energy work. They will quite often relax into the healing session, lower their heads, keeping a leg cocked in a relaxed position and even close their eyes as they enjoy the sensation. Many times you can even hear their stomachs gurgle as the healing energy flows through them, clearing energy blocks as it goes. And when they have had enough, they will often let you know by “waking up” and sometimes even walking away.
During the workshop you will learn how to:
Ask for “permission” from your animal companions
Set up a safe energy healing session
Scan your horse’s body
Locate chakras
Listen to your horse and read his body gestures
Recognize the duration of sessions
Liaise with friends & clients
Share experiences and stories to further enhance your practice
Remember that Reiki and other forms of energy and alternative healing is not intended to be a substitute for Western medicine and a vet should always be notified in cases of illness and concern. But it is a powerful tool and can assist on many levels of healing.
Join Anna for this very special day as she shows you the most effective way to apply your practice and your skills to the horse. This is also a great opportunity to review your skills if you are a little rusty or maybe feel like you need a little more instruction. Improve your skill set, increase your confidence, and heal some horses!
No Prerequisite! This class is now open to everyone who wishes to bring an energy healing practice to the horses and other animals to benefit our fellow planetary companions.